Goemkaponn Desk
BAMBOLIM: A 25-year old female was successfully operated for rarest ectopic pregnancy- where the site of implementation is in the liver- by the doctors of Goa Medical College and Hospital (GMCH).
It is a type of abdominal pregnancy which is extremely rare and according to GMCH Dean Dr Shivanand Bandekar, in last 60 years only 40 such rarest of rare cases have been reported.
The Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Goa Medical College dealt with this rare case scenario in February 2021.
A 25 year old female with 2 living children hailing from Valpoi presented to Casualty, Goa medical College with severe pain in right upper abdomen and vomiting.
Dr. Shikha Lawande and Dr. Glory, both residents in Department of Radiology did the preliminary USG and were astonished to see a Live, two and half months pregnancy in the Right lobe of liver with blood in the peritoneal cavity.
The diagnosis was confirmed by Dr. Jeevan Vernekar, Prof & HOD, Radiology and Dr. Sanjay Sardessai Associate Professor, Radiology.
Emergency Laparotomy was performed by a joint team of Department Obstetrics & Gynaecology, consisting of Dr. Ajit A. of Nagarsenkar(Assoc.Prof) and Dr. Guruprasad Pednekar (Professor & HOD of Obstetrics & Gynaecology). Surgical team consisting of Dr. Dattaprasad Samant, Assistant Professor and Dr. Francis P. Noronha, Professor & HOD. Dept. of Surgery and Anaesthesia team led by Dr. Pabitra Ghoshal, Assistant Professor.
“Successful excision of segment 6 of Liver containing the pregnancy was done, patient received multiple blood transfusions. Patient was discharged uneventfully on 14th postop day,” said GMC Dean
Primary Hepatic (Liver) pregnancy is associated with poor maternal outcomes, many a times resulting in demise of mother due to extensive bleeding. Due to the quick Multidisciplinary team effort in the case of our patient, she survived and was discharged uneventfully.