A meeting was convened at Paryatan Bhawan under the Chairmanship of CM Dr Pramod Sawant, along with Minister IT, Jennifer Monserrate; ITG Chairman, Nilkanth Halarnkar, GTDC Chariman Dayanand Sopte and various departments– Department of Information Technology, ITG, PWD, Revenue, other related departments, to review the development of the Electronics Manufacturing Cluster (EMC) under the Scheme of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India, coming up at Tuem, Pernem, North Goa.
The Secretary IT briefed CM about the project and the progress so far. The GoI has granted extension to the EMC project till March 2021.
The EMC Project is a partially GoI funded project to be developed in an area of 5.97 sq mts, at Tuem, Pernem, North Goa.
The DoIT is the Chief Promoter and ITG is the implementing agency for the development. The site would be having various development plots- Industrial plots and Micro Industrial Plots for the upcoming constituent units of Manufacturing.
Currently, the internal road work is about 85% finished. It was also apprised that the Land Allotment Policy is almost at the final stage of approval.
For the purpose of managing the EMC, a Special Purpose Vehicle ( SPV ) formation is mandatory and the approval for the formation of the SPV is also expected within this month.
The 2nd installment from the Government of India would be coming soon in view of the compliances done so far.
The status of other tenders with respect to Street Lighting and Administrative block were discussed. It was decided to reach out to maximum number of Electronics Manufacturing Companies and also to bring the willing Companies to Goa for boosting the Electronics Manufacturing ecosystem and ultimately increase the employment opportunities.
The estimated timelines were discussed with respect to Electric Sub Station, Administrative Block, Water works, Fire Station, approach road land acquisition.
It was also decided to review the project in a month’s time to ensure that execution of the project is on time.