Team Goemkarponn
USGAO: South Goa Superintendent of Police (SP) Tikam Singh Verma stated on Friday that the murder of a four-year-old child in Usgao was caused by a furious dispute between the accused and the victim’s mother, rather than being connected to black magic rituals as first thought.
In the meantime, Babasaheb Alhat, 52, and Pooja Alhat, 38, who are Usgao residents and originally from Gokak, Karnataka, have been placed under police detention for six days in connection with the heinous murder by the Judicial Magistrate First Class (JMFC) court. The child’s body was recovered by police from its burial in the backyard of the accused couple’s home.
When authorities found the child’s remains Thursday night, tensions in Usgao increased. At the scene, angry residents gathered and demanded that the accused face harsh punishment.
The murder was allegedly committed as part of a black magic ritual to aid the couple in becoming parents. SP Verma disregarded this theory, claiming that forensic specialists had not discovered any indication of occult activity at the scene of the crime.
The accused woman and the mother of the deceased child got into a furious dispute about something. The accused couple killed the infant inside their home while they were furious, according to SP Verma.
According to police investigations, Pooja used candy to entice the girl inside their home. After that, the pair killed her by submerging her head in a tub filled with water. According to the South Goa District Hospital’s post-mortem analysis, the cause of death was “asphyxia due to simultaneous compression of the head, nostrils, and mouth using blunt force, with signs of immersion in water.”
After examining CCTV evidence that showed the child entering the accused’s house but never leaving, police were able to track down the perpetrators.