Team Goemkarponn
PANAJI: Directorate of Social Welfare has informed that the Government has instituted “Dr. Ambedkar Samajik Puraskar” scheme for a person who has worked towards welfare of Scheduled Caste for 25 years or more.
The Scheme aims to encourage individuals creating social awareness and to encourage the society in general to work for the up-liftment and welfare of Scheduled Castes which will improve their socio-economic condition.
The interested must be above the age of 60 years and work for up-liftment of Scheduled Castes in Goa to improve the socio-economic conditions, educational and general standard of living, etc.
Interested persons may obtain prescribed application forms from the Directorate of Social Welfare, Opp. Farmacia Salcete, 18th June Road, Panaji. The last date for submission of duly filled application forms along with all the relevant documentary evidences is April 1, 2025.