Team Goemkarponn
PANAJI: The Directorate of Fisheries, Panaji will organize the “Aqua Goa Mega Fish Festival at “Open Field Ground, SAG Campal, Panaji from January 10 to 12, 2025.
The Festival showcases Goa’s rich variety of fishes from marine and freshwater through its aquarium gallery which will be open to general public. Besides it serves as a platform to promote and boost the fishing culture in Goa, especially through seminars, workshop and business to business (B2B) interactions.
The programme have been especially designed to showcase latest techniques and technologies available which immensely benefit fishermen and general public to tap potential opportunities for enhancing fisheries production. The festival will also showcase the rich Goan culture through variety of entertainment programs including Goan folk dances and food court serving authentic Goan delicacies for engaging the visitors.
For more information may contact Smt. Zigyasa Murkar, Supdt. of Fisheries (Mob. No. 8407973579).