Goemkarponn desk
Canacona: Canacona taluka which had nil COVID-19 active cases on 26th February have since then diagnosed 35 cases. While the whereabouts of 1 patient is not known, 2 are referred to District Hospital Margao and other patients are advised home isolation informed Health Officer Dr Jose Tavares.
Dr Tavares informed that since February 27th Canacona has seen a spurt in COVID-19 cases which has put the entire staff of Canacona Community Health Centre on high alert.
The 35 cases detected since 27th include 13 from Agonda, 7 from Chaudi, 6 from Loliem, 4 from Karvem and 4 from Rajbagh and 1 which is not traced Dr Tavares informed.
However no positive case was detected in the taluka on Sunday and Monday.
With the addition of 35 recent cases Canacona which has just about 50 thousand residents has reported 888 cases till now.
The total persons died due to COVID-19 infections in Canacona is 44 while no death is reported during last three weeks.
Dr Tavares informed that he along with his staff did contact tracing and survey in Agonda and Rajbagh after so many cases were detected.
“We went house to house and advised people to come for testing for Covid 19, but hardly a handful approached the testing facility at the old hospital premises” Dr Tavares said.
“We request and appeal to those who came in contact with COVID-19 patients, family members and neighbour’s to come for testing to minimize the spread of this disease” Dr Tavares appealed.
Meanwhile a total of 871 persons received the COVID-19 jab which include 235 health care staff, 383 front line workers, 253 senior citizens and persons in the age group of 45 to 59 with comorbidities.