Team Goemkarponn
PANAJI: The State’s monthly food grain distribution to ration card recipients has been severely delayed due to a server malfunction; the department of civil supplies has advised that the distribution will only take place after February 10.
The Public Distribution System beneficiaries may have trouble receiving food grains within the allotted time frame this month due to unanticipated technical problems with the computer system and network server at the Food Corporation of India level that have persisted for more than a week, according to Director of Civil Supplies Jayant Tari.
“The Dept Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs is making all efforts to restore the disrupted supply chain on account of the above issues,” stated the official.
Food grain shipment started on Wednesday after technical issues were fixed. “Though the Department is making every possible effort to deliver the food grains to the Fair Price Shops in time, the actual distribution in some Fair Price Shops may get delayed by further 5-6 days,” Tari stated.
In order to receive their monthly allotment, PDS beneficiaries are therefore asked to visit the appropriate Fair Price Shop, ideally after February 10.