Goemkarponn Desk
VASCO: In a press conference called by Gomantak Bhandari Samaj Yuva Samiti at Gomantak Bhandari Samaj Taluka Office, Vasco attended by Presidented of Gomantak Bhandari Samaj-Shri Ashok Naik, Treasurer, Shri Joguso Naik, President of Gomantak Bhandari Samaj Shri, Dikshak Naik, General Secretary-Shri Pankaj Jalmi, Vice President Smt. Reema Sonurlekar, Advisor-Shri Mashal Adpaikar and GBSYS Mormugao Taluka President Shri Ameya Chopdekar.
Speaking to the Press President of GBSYS Shri Dikshak Naik Stated that Gomantak Bhandari Samaj Yuva Samiti with the help of Goa Forest Department Has planned to plant saplings in all 12 talukas of Goa, wherein around 2500 nos, of sapling will be distributed and planted in all Talukas on 11th of June at 11 am. He added that as Goa has lost forest and trees in the fires which occurred in the last two three months and as a part of the nature GBSYS has pledge to be part of the small attempt of Forest Department to revive its forest.
Further, on behalf of GBSYS he thanked the Chief Minister Shri Pramod Sawant and Health Minister Shri Vishwajit Rane for solving much awaited 27 % reservation issued in Goa Medical Collage which was Prolonged for many years and hope that the Govt. will always be helpful in resolving various matters and issues pertaining to Gomantak Bhandari Samaj.
General Secretary of the GBSYS Shri Pankaj Jalmi informed that GBSYS has planned for monsoon trek at Mainapi Waterfall in Neturlem village on 25th of June 2023, Sunday for with entry fees are Rs.600 which includes Food, Transport Tea and forest entry fees. Last date for registration is 20th of June.
Addressing the press President of Gomantak Bhandari Samaj-Goa, Shri Ashok Naik pressed upon the need for sustainable development without doing damage to the existing environment.