Panaji – It is most infortunate that the corrupt and insensitive health minister Vishwajit Rane is now trying to mislead the people of Goa by claiming that High Court has allowed the BJP Government to use Ivermectin tablets for Covid treatment. We demand that health minister must show guts and make open statement whether the High Court has given permission to use Ivermectin tablets as “Prophylaxis Treatment” as announced by Vishwajit Rane on 10th May 2021 demanded Congress president Girish Chodankar.
We once again demand that the Health Minister must show courage and tell the people of Goa, If he still has the blessings of defective Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant to continue with the use of Ivermectin tablets for prophylaxis treatment on Covid without clinical trials as claimed by Vishwajit Rane on 10th May 2021 Girish Chodankar questioned.
After World Health Organisation issued guidelines, the Indian Medical Association (Goa) and Goa Resident Doctors Association had openly stated that the said Ivermectin tablets can be used only after clinical trials. Even, Indian Pediatric Academy (Goa) had expressed concerns over the handling of Covid pandemic by Goa Government. We want to know which experts had advised the Health Minister to use the said Ivermectin tablets as prophylaxis treatment Girish Chodankar stated.
Health Minister must clarify whether representatives of Department of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology, Department of Pathology, Department of Pulmonary Medicine from GMC are there in the Expert Committee and whether they had given approval to use the tablets as prophylaxis treatment. Let people of Goa know what is their opinion on use of Ivermectin tablets for such treatment Girish Chodankar demanded.
We had raised queations on sudden reduction in stock of Ivermectin tablets in all the Health Centres in Goa. We have also raised questions on low quality and non-functional oxymeters supplied in Home Isolation Kits. Why Health Minister Vishwajit Rane has maintained silence on the same questioned Girish Chodankar.
The most corrupt Health Minister Vishwajit Rane has made fortunes by doing “Business from Sickness” by looting money from State treasury. He and Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant are responsible for murdering innocent patients in GMC due to shortage of Oxygen. We will explore all possible actions to bring both of them to justice.
Congress Party from day one had maintained that Ivermectin tablets can be used only after clinical trials. People of Goa are well educated and they dont need Health Minister Vishwajit Rane to tell them that those tablets are part of medicines. We all know it, what we want BJP government to tell us whether the tablets can be consumed without medical prescription and clinical trials and as prophylaxis treatment on Covid.
We once again demand that the Health Minister must reveal whether any tender was floated to procure the tablets worth Rs.22.50 crores and who was given the order? We also want to know what happened to the free distribution of the said tablets through staff of Women and Child Department and Anganwadi Workers? How many tablets are distributed so far? Health Minister must dare to answer this questions, Challenged Chodankar.