Team Goemkarponn
MARGAO: Indian ecologist Madhav Gadgil has been named as one of the six ‘Champions of Earth’ from across the globe by the United Nation’s Environmental Programme. This is the United Nation’s highest environmental honour. Congratulations to the great son of India.
Madganvcho Awaaz appeals to Government to implement all his recommendations to save Goa from environmental disasters, stated Youth Leader Prabhav Naik.
Ecologist Madhav Gadgil is a role model for youths like us. We must unitedly put pressure on government to implement all recommendations made by him to save environment, said Prabhav Naik.
The UN body, while announcing the list of champions of earth on Tuesday, said that Madhav Gadgil has spent decades protecting the people and the planet through research and community engagement, and his work has greatly influenced public opinion and official policies on the protection of natural resources, pointed Prabhav Naik.
Of the seven books and at least 225 scientific papers Gadgil has written, his landmark work, dubbed the Gadgil report, called for the protection of India’s ecologically fragile Western Ghats in the face of growing threats from industry and the climate crisis.
His suggestions have, however, not come to fruition due to resistance from State Governments including Goa. Government must immediately act on his report to avoid tragedy like Waynad landslides, said Prabhav Naik.