Goemkarponn desk
PONDA: Its rule of Goan variety Mancurad mango at Ponda Market with everywhere most market vendors are seen selling Mancurad variety mango as due to increase in production, rates have come down and within reach of aam admi.
Baskets full of Mancurad and other varieties of mangoes were available in plenty around the Ponda market and village streets and bypass roads in Ponda.
With huge mancurad supply coming out these days, the rates of Mankurad mango of Goan origin are reduced to Rs 600 to Rs 300 depending upon size. One month earlier, i.e. in April the Mancurad of good quality was sold at Rs 2000 per kg but with now huge production the rates of good quality mango gradually reduced to 1000 then Rs 800 and now today reduced to Rs 600 per kg while small size Mankurad are sold between Rs 300, 400 and Rs 500 respectively.
With the increase in production, the mango is now within reach of aam admi.
The sudden rains, along with an increase in arrivals, have resulted in the rate coming down, said vendors. Though several varieties of mango fruits are for sale in the market, the taste of the Goan mancurad is unique and the most prefered fruit among Goans.