PANJIM: MGP Chief Ramkrishna Sudin Dhavalikar said that the daylight murder of an innocent man in Margao has shocked him and that it is a complete collapse of Law & Order situation in state of Goa where murderers and dacoits are roaming fearless in broad daylight.
During MGP’s rule we did not see anything like this happening. Gundagiri, drugs and criminals got a push during subsequent years when Congress and BJP ruled the state.
“I remember when I was studying in Margao in 1974-75 , we used to visit library in Gomant Vidya Niketan in the evening and all including my sister would walk on the road fearless because people in those times were friendly, mingled easily with each other and all were very helpful.” said Dhavalikar
He said, “Today it is seen that with increasing number of murders and dacoity, we cannot depend on this Govt. to protect ourselves. Like in Villages all people come together in unity to protect their own in such events, same unity has to be shown in the city areas so that such events be tackled in future.This is the only solution when there is complete failure of law & order in the state of Goa.”