Goemkarponn desk
CANACONA – It’s been months after strong winds have blown off the roof sheets throwing the GCA-built indoor cricket practice pitch into doldrums at Dapot-Maxem grounds.
The frequent cyclonic winds have turned the once prestigious indoor cricket pitch into a death trap, with many of the residents now saying that cricketers, as well as students who are often using this pitch/ playground for practices, are doing so with ‘Ram Bharose’, not knowing when and exactly what tragedy is going to befall on them.
Neither have any authorities initiated any plans to repair or renovate the indoor pitch, nor even attempts were made to clear the debris lying dangerously, informed a resident.
According to sources, the Indoor Practice pith covered with rooftop Sheets constructed by Goa Cricket Association a decade ago is already in the doldrums due to its wear and tear. Its condition has worsened after recently strong winds have blown off the entire setup. The devastation is so bad that the whole roof is opened up, some of the sheets are dangerously hanging out, and the indoor pitch is fully exposed.
Residents around fear danger, and children say the students studying in adjacent SSAngle Higher Secondary School who literarily also frequent the grounds could become victims if any hanging sheets fall, and so others, especially cricketers who frequent the area.
Sources informed GCA has built this indoor practice pitch across the Nirakar Grounds at Dapot-Maxem and since has been in use by many of the youths taking its benefits.
‘Lots of youths have taken its benefits, but due to the cricket ball hits falling on rooftop received, and moreover the indoor pitch is close to the shore sheets has already gone weak and were cracking. Presently, cricketers cannot practice there. This shade needs immediate repair’, a cricketer appealed.
Another alleged resident government is executing costly initiatives but makes no provisions for its maintenances, and the results are best depicted in the Maxim Indoor Cricket Practice Pitch in Loliem.