Goemkarponn desk
CANACONA: In keeping pace with the central government initiative of doubling the farmers income, the agricultural department through innovative steps together with motivation to the farmers have brought 9120 Ha under agriculture in Canacona taluka.
The data compiled by Canacona agricultural department puts the total area under agricultural cultivation in the taluka at 9120 Ha as of today.
Speaking exclusively to Goenkarponn, Kirtiraj Naikgaonkar, Zonal Agricultural Officer informed that this was possible due to the efforts put in by the farmers, various ZAO’s who worked before him in the taluka and active support from the superiors and the agricultural minister.
Divulging the data on the area under each crop Naikgaonkar informed that Canacona has a total area of 1800Ha under Kharif paddy and Rabi paddy has 42 Ha.
Canacona grows vegetables in an area of 250 Ha during Karif and 350 Ha in Rabi season.
“Canacona is exporting green chilies to Belgaum since last many years” Naikgaonkar informed.
The geo-tagging of Cola chilly has made the home grown chilly world famous and commands a rate of more than 700 rupees a kg.
The cashew plantation which is mainly on highlands of Canacona covers 3500 Ha of area in the taluka.
Due to its unique taste and organic by default, Canacona cashew nuts, Urrak and Feni commands a premium rate.
Coconut plantation covers 1800 Ha of agricultural area in the taluka.
While sugarcane has 60 Ha, banana plantation covers 150 Ha, mango covers 500 Ha, arecanut has 90 Ha, alsando has 5 Ha, black Pepper which is mostly grown as an inter crop in coconut and arecanut plantation has 50 Ha, pineapple covers 15 Ha, turmeric has 4 Ha, orchids has 4 Ha while other garden crops has 500 Ha.
Naikgaonkar informed that there are 3338 farmers registered as farmers with the agricultural department and 1600 farmers are enrolled under Prime Minister Kisan Yojna.
Meanwhile a total of 130 farmers have applied for compensation for the loss they suffered due to the Tauktae cyclone last month.
The losses due to the cyclone in Canacona are put at about 30 lakh Naikgaonkar informed.