Goemkarponn Desk
PANAJI: Taking strong cognisance of the concern raised by the locals with regards to growing pollution in Cuncolim due to industrial units, the Goa State Pollution Control Board (GSPCB) has undertaken environmental audit of all the entire Cuncolim industrial estate.
In the first phase, the Board has completed the audit of 13 units in the Cuncolim industrial estate, that includes Sunrise Electronics Pvt Ltd, Shraddha Ispat Pvt Ltd, Malco Energy limited, Trimutri Industries, Orange Fox Steel Pvt Ltd, Quality Foods, Pioneer Alloys and Steel Pvt Ltd, Marpol Pvt Ltd, Global Ispat Pvt Ltd, Karthik Alloys Ltd, Shree Balaji Rolling Pvt Ltd, Quality Exports and Shirdi Steel Re-rollers Pvt Ltd.
The Goa Carbon Limited located at St Jose De Areal industrial estate, which was also in news due to pollution, it has also been inspected for environmental norms.
The Board said that the exercise will cover more 1000-odd units including hotels and shacks.
It has informed that the audit of all six off shore casinos operated by Golden Peace Infrastructure Pvt Ltd (MV Majestic Pride), High Street Cruises and Entertainment Pvt Ltd (MV Caravela and MV Casino Royale), Golden Globe Hotels Pvt Ltd, Goa Coastal Resort and Recreation Pvt Ltd and Delta Co-Op Ltd (MV Horsehoe Casino) is also been undertaken.
“These audits will help the Board to know whether units have complied with rules and regulations, what are the violations, air and water pollution control measures and other environmental parameters” Board chairman Mahesh Patil said.
The Board has constituted teams with chemical, environmental, mechanical, and pharma experts to conduct the audit. As per GSPCB rules, the board has to conduct an audit of red industries every year, and can also audit industries from other categories.
Leader of Opposition Yuri Alemao had raised the issue of Cuncolim industrial pollution. The issue had even rocked the Goa State Legislative Assembly after which the Chief Minister Pramod Sawant had assured to undertake Environment audit and act against the violators.
Alemao had raised concerns about air and water pollution, illegal activities, encroachments on agricultural land and private properties by certain industrial units within the estate. The locals were also up in arms against the growing pollution in Çuncolim due to the industrial units, which wete flouting all norms according to them.