Goemkarponn desk
Sanguem: Kolamba village of Rivona in Sanguem constituency was hit by cyclone on Monday evening.
Several trees were uprooted causing all round destruction in the village.
Coconut tree, mango tree, jungle tree, banana tree and areca nut plantation were destroyed by the cyclone.
Fire fighting team of Curchorem rushed to the village on Monday evening around 5.40 pm and the rescue operation continued till late night around 10 pm.
Several trees feel on houses, electric poles which made rescue operation difficult and continued till Tuesday afternoon.
As per information given bybfire fighter Shivaji Fadte of Curchorem fire station there were heavy losses registered by locals.
Suresh Kepekar Zilla panchayat member said the villagers suffered huge losses.
He said hebwould stand with them in this time.
The fire team consided of Rahul Desai station fire officer, fire fighters Shivaji Fadte, Manoj Gaonkar, Satyajit Desai, Vikesh Malekar, Vishal Velip.