Goemkarponn Desk
CANACONA: In a sudden spurt, more than 23 dengues cases have been detected in Canacona taluka, with as many as 20 cases alone found in Gaondongrim village for the last 10 days.
While the Health Team is on a war-footing carrying fugmentation drive in the affected areas, many of the dengue patients are being treated at SGDH –Margao and GMC Bambolim, while a few patients are hospitalised in CHC Canacona itself.
For the first time, beginning on 20th May, some of the patients with dengue symptoms who had reported for treatment at CHC some of them were detected with NS-1 +ve virus and all these patients were the residents of a Ziltawadi in Canacona’, informed a source from Canacona.
Immediately, a team of 10-12 health workers began to conduct surveillance of the area, and four 9 dengue positive cases in Ziltawadi area alone. As the Health Services continued its surveilances, some more cases began to be detected in the neighboring areas, and according to Health sources, around a total of 20 Dengue cases were detected in Talem, Satorlim, Karvem, areas of Gaondongrim village., informed a CHC source.
Some cases were detected in Amone (Poinguinim) and at least 3 dengue cases were detected from Loliem village and all the affected persons are being treated either in CHC Canacona, SGDH-Margao and GMC Bambolim.
Meanwhile, the Health Service Field team led by Dr. Diwakarji Velip, Sanitary Inspector Pranay Naik and others were on a war-footing and began extensive fugmentation /fogging of the affected and neighboring areas. The Health Field team is also seen visiting and inspecting the residential areas, advising the residents to practice healthy procedures for water storages.
‘As the summer is at its peak and water is becoming a rare commodity, people have been storing and stocking water in whatever possible manner. We have seen water being stocked on barrels, and the same are either left total or partially uncovered. People are advised to practice safe methods of storing water, and also not to leave water ponds in their areas’, informed Sanitary inspector Pranay Naik.
Naik also informed how the dengue virus reaches in any locality, and how an infected mosquito spreads it around, and going house-to-house requesting people to practice restraint and practice healthy measures to avoid further spread of dengue cases.