Hungama Play, a leading OTT platform owned by Hungama Digital Media, today launched its latest Hindi original show, Dhappa. The show features 5 different stories revolving around the life of couples from small towns of India who go to extreme lengths to hide their romance from their snoopy relatives Headlining the anthology is an ensemble cast led by TV and film actors such as Monalisa, Jay Bhanushali, Abigail Pande, Krissann Barretto, Vishal Singh, Sanam Johar, Smriti Khanna, Abhishek Kapur, Samridh Bawa, Dishank Arora, Sakshi Sharma, Varunn Jain and Mohit Duseja. Dhappa has five unique love stories, each with a peculiar twist and hints of comedy and drama. The show, directed by Anil V Kumar and Saket Yadav and produced by Anil V Kumar Productions,
Love is pure and eternal, but not all stories of romance are smooth, especially those that come with their share of suspicious glares and are often turned into juicy gossip. Dhappa is a collection of five such stories of romance. Whether it is a couple struggling to buy contraceptives in a town where everyone knows everyone, a professor being friends with her young student, a bride-to-be who conceives a little earlier, than expected, or two friends who are being forced by their families to tie the knot, a sudden funeral disturbing the plan of a couple planning to enjoy their wedding night before the actual night, these couples try their best to save their relationship from the prying eyes of their relatives and neighbors. Only time will tell if they will succeed, or not. Watch the show to find out how they dodge every obstacle to save their love life.
Speaking about the show, Siddhartha Roy, COO, Hungama Digital Media said, “We believe in experimenting with good stories and performances that viewers enjoy. Over the years, we have been able to create a library of original content that has received global appreciation. Local, relevant and entertaining tales, sometimes driving home a message and makes the cut. Dhappa is one such collection of stories. The genres of comedy and romance when brought together always enkindle a tickle in the heart, bring back memories and a smile on the face. The anthology also sparks a discussion around the stigmas faced by couples in society with a touch of light-hearted content. We hope the audience will enjoy it.”