Team Goemkarponn
CANACONA: Sameer @ Arya is convicted in the theft of temples in Canacona Canacona.
Arya, a resident of Nujji, Hansi, Joida , Karwar of Karnataka State is sentenced to undergo simple imprisonment for 68 days and to pay a fine of Rs.4000/- under section 331(4) of BNS 2023. He is also found guilty for offence punishable under section 305 and sentenced to undergo Simple imprisonment for 03 days.
Canacona police have arrested Sameer @ Arya for breaking into two temple of Loliem and committing theft in these two temples situated within 50 metres distance of each other in Loliem (Canacona) on the night of 7th october’2024, where 6 Fund-Petis(Donation Boxes) in both temples ( Keshav Devalaya and Damodar Devasthan) were broke open and decamped with cash to the tune of rupees 25,000.
Police have reportedly tracked the thief with the help of CCTV footage of the temple and the Loliem market footage where the alleged thief was noticed walking on the road earlier on the day.
According to police, the accused have been charged U/s 331 (4) (Lurking house trespass during the night ) & 305 of BNS 2023( Theft in dwelling house or Place of worship) for the offence.
Police filed the chargesheet on 29/11/2024 and the judgement was delivered on 03/01/2025.
He has been sentenced to undergo Simple imprisonment for 68 days and to pay fine of Rs. 4000/- u/s 331(4) of BNS 2023 and for offence punishable u/s 305 sentenced to undergo Simple imprisonment for 03 days.
Interestingly, this is one of the first convictions for the series of thefts of temples and houses that rocked Canacona in the past few months.