Editor, Goemkarponn
Sources reveal that on any given day, there is about 2025 youth (mostly Goans) at Tarzan’s house in Nagoa. For them, Tarzan is Bhai and a Don.
It now comes to the fore that Tarzan is involved big time in Dhirio’s (bullfights), and most of his cases have been due to bullfights. And for this, Tarzan has gathered some 30-odd youth called as Tarzan Gang.
It is high time the Goa police and the Chief Minister, Dr Pramod Sawant, take a firm decision on getting rid of criminal minds like Tarzan from the State. Any punishment is no deterrent for these minds.
Editor, Goemkarponn
The most shocking fact of the stabbing incident last week wherein a Calangute youth was stabbed mercilessly has been that most of those involved in the crime are Goans and just around 18 to 22 years.
Till now, we have been hearing about the non-Goans getting involved in such heinous crimes, but this is probably the first time we hear that Goan youth have picked up weapons.
For What and Why?
Criminal minds like Tarzan Parsekar or Ludu Kerkar have become role models for the youth, who want to be rich and famous overnight.
Sources reveal that on any given day, there is about 2025 youth (mostly Goans) at Tarzan’s house in Nagoa. For them, Tarzan is Bhai and a Don.
It now comes to the fore that Tarzan is involved big time in Dhirio’s (bullfights), and most of his cases have been due to bullfights. And for this, Tarzan has gathered some 30-odd youth called as Tarzan Gang.
It is high time the Goa police and the Chief Minister, Dr Pramod Sawant, take a firm decision on getting rid of criminal minds like Tarzan from the State. Any punishment is no deterrent for these minds.
Youth Crime…
While the youth are influenced by goons like Tarzan and Ludu, the government and police also need to figure out why the youth are taking the path of crime.
With the rate of youth crimes increasing daily, there has been a lot of debate on youth crime prevention.
While there is a consensus on taking measures to save Goan teens from going astray, very little seems to have been done in this regard, either by the government or the Goa Police. The primary reason for this is the confusion about the causes behind youth crimes.
Unless those trying to break the trend, the Police or the CM, are clear on what they need to be targeting, success will continue to slip through their hands.
Financial Hardship
Committing small crimes is one thing and becoming a full-fledged criminal is another. For a very long time, it was believed that it is the teen’s brain that makes him a criminal, but scientific studies have proved that it’s not just the brain but also poverty that turns an innocent kid into a hardened criminal.
The lack of employment opportunities in places like Goa is becoming a growing concern. While only the rich and influential are able to get the government jobs announced by CM Dr Pramod Sawant, others are left in the lurch.
It’s natural for teens to compare themselves with others, and when they feel that their friends are richer and financially more stable than them, they ultimately start looking for the wrong ways to bridge the gap.
Teens usually start off with small crimes like theft to fulfil their daily expenses, but with the passage of time, they keep falling deeper and deeper into the life of crime.
Peer pressure is yet another common reason behind an increase in the rate of youth delinquency. The surveys conducted on teen crimes have revealed that teens who are friends with criminals are more likely to end up becoming a criminal themselves.
They generally spend most of their time with their friends, so it is quite natural for them to become influenced by the latter.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse
There is a reason drugs and alcohol are prohibited for teens. Taking drugs or drinking alcohol as a minor is itself a crime, but it also leads to various other crimes. Drug and alcohol abuse affects the judgment of teens, increasing the probability of committing crimes like theft or vandalism. After getting drunk, their reasoning and judgment get foggy, leading them to become part of a crime that they never intended to commit in the first place.