Goemkarponn desk
Margao – There is complete collapse of administration in Goa under dictatorial and insensitive BJP Government. Now the time has come to free Goa from BJP imposed Health, Financial and Social Emergency in the State charged Leader of Opposition Digambar Kamat.
BJP has no moral right to talk on Emergency now. They must free the people from the undeclared emergency causing hardships, pains and sufferings to the citizens of Goa demanded Digambar Kamat.
Our former Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi had publicly apologised for the Emergency on 24th January 1978 and the nation had forgiven her and brought her back to power claimed Digambar Kamat.
BJP Government should stop raking up the Emergency which is already put to rest by the people of India. Today, the irresponsible, insensitive and failed BJP Government has imposed undeclared emergency in Goa with every act of the government is to supress the voice of the people stated Digambar Kamat.
The complete failure of the BJP Government resulted in Health Emergency is Goa with almost 74 patients dying due to shortage of Oxygen. Government converted Goa into a ‘Testing Laboratory’ by treating Goans as ‘Guinea Pigs’. BJP Government is still clueless on tackling likely third wave of Covid. We have already lost 3022 precious lives due to gross mismanagement of the government.
There is Financial Emergency in the State with BJP Government pushing Goa into Bankruptcy. There is no sign of revival of Mining and Tourism Industry is hit badly due to faulty policies of the government. Marginalised Sector is suffering the most with government refusing to announce any revival package for them. Every Household Budget has collapsed completely Digambar Kamat said.
BJP Government has also imposed Social Emergency in the State by using high handedness to supress the voice of the people. Three Linear Projects of Railway Double Tracking, Highway Expansion and Laying of Power Line are imposed on the people against their wishes. There will be huge destruction of Environment, Wildlife and Identity of Goa will be destroyed.
The dictatorial BJP Government has now imposed National Security Act in South Goa to create fear in the minds of the people and restrict their participation in public hearings on CZMP. Government is supressing the voice of the people who come out to protest against misdeeds and misrule of the government charged Digambar Kamat.
I once again demand that all the cases filed against the protestors of Shel-Melauli must be withdrawn immediately, Government should not harass the artists of Goa who create songs exposing illegalities of politicians and stop arrests of students who are fighting for their rights stated Digambar Kamat.
I appeal to all to rise to free Goa from BJP misrule and Let us fight to protect & preserve the Identity of Goa Digambar Kamat said.