Goemkarponn desk
Margao: n an unfortunate incident earlier today a 47 year old male resident of Margao lost his life at Benaulim beach.
At approximately 1600 hours at Benaulim, a male along with his son and daughter were at the beach. The father and son entered the waters.
The lifesaver on duty suddenly noticed that the male was floating in the water. Two lifesavers rushed into the water to retrieve him while a call was placed to the ambulance.
The victim was brought to shore and vitals were checked. As the pulse was missing, CPR was commenced immediately. An AED was connected to the victim and oxygen was administered. The ambulance was delayed and hence the victim was rushed to Hospicio hospital in Drishti Marine’s jeep while CPR was continued upon the victim. The victim was accompanied by the lifesavers and the son and daughter.
Upon a diagnostic check-up at the hospital, the doctor declared that the male had succumbed.
The male was a 47 year old resident of Margao.