The State reported five more deaths and 306 new cases on Saturday even as 479 new recoveries were reported.
The death toll in the State has now reached 140.
As per DHS, a 71 years Male from Fatorda was brought dead yesterday at South Goa District Hospital, Margao, was found to be positive post mortem. Another 65 years Male from Aquem, admitted at Goa Medical College Bambolim. expired on 19 August. 85 years Male from Betalbatim, 30 years Male from Margao, admitted at ESI hospital expired today. 78 years Male from Pernem, admitted at ESI hospital, with co-morbid conditions expired today.
The confirmed cases are now 13790 while Active cases have come down to 3631. Recoveries are now at 10019.
Out of 2049 Samples, 1402 are Negative, 306 are Positive and 341 Reports are awaited.
At present patients in Isolation wards are 77 and people quarantined at Various Residencies/Hotels are 21.