Goemkarponn Desk
CANACONA: Catholics in Canacona observed ‘Good Friday’, the Passion of Christ with great devotion, symbolizing the greatest-ever sacrifice of Jesus Christ for human’s Salvation on Friday.
Catholics in Canacona as part of reverence and mourning observed Good Friday with penance, fast and solemnity symbolising the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the sake of His Love for Humanity, the atonement between God and Man and the Human’s way to redemption and salvation.
The day is observed as a day of Grief, Penance and Fasting, while in a replication of Passion of Christ, all the parishes conducted the Holy Services at their respective Churches and also enacted the Crucification of Jesus Christ.
In the evening church ceremonies, Most parishes held a more than three hours long Liturgy with Prayers and Hymns, Bible Readings and Delivery of Homily to mark the solemn commemoration of Passion of Christ, amidst the enactment of the act of Crucification of Jesus Christ in all these parishes.
A live way-of-the-cross was held by the youths of Bhatpal Parish early Friday morning. A group of youngsters with one clothed in Jesus attire, carried a Wooden Cross on his shoulders and others dressed in roman soldiers attire accompanied as the Live-way-of-the-cross which began at Newwaddo-Bhatpal walked its way across the road. The Christs last journey to the mount of Cavalry with the cross depicting various stations, His Sufferings and ‘Falls’, His meeting the Mother-Mary and the enactment of agonizing nailing on the Cross and the Crucification itself of Jesus Christ was enacted nearby the Bhatpal church.
In most other churches, after lowering the body of Jesus from the Cross, a procession was held carrying the images/idols of Jesus into a coffin, followed with the idol of Mother Mary, while Priests delivered homily on Mother Mary and later parishioners lined up to kiss the Holy Statues of Jesus Christ and Mother Mary.
Catholics, many fasting and observing abstinence for the day, also remembers, Power of God’s Love and His promise of Eternal Life, as also Good Friday is considered a day of Hope and New beginnings for the betterment of humanity.