Goemkarponn Desk
PANAJI: Following hue & cry, the State Government has withdrawn the Goa Municipalities (amendment) Ordinance 2020. The Cabinet in last meeting had approved withdrawal of Ordinance.
With this development the Amendment is now to be placed in the House for discussion & passing.
“The Goa Municipalities (Amendment) Withdrawal Ordinance, 2021
(Ordinance No. 1 of 2021)Promulgated by the Governor of Goa in the seventy-first year of the Republic of India. An Ordinance to withdraw the Goa Municipalities (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020(Ordinance No. 13 of 2020). Whereas, the Legislative Assembly of Goa is not in session and the Governor of Goa is satisfied that circumstances exist which Suggestions are welcomed on e-mail: dir–gpps.goa@nic.in,” the gazzette notification states
The Association on Friday submitted a series of suggestions to the amendment to the government, wherein it has proposed to scrap the provision of termination of leases after ten years and re-auction clause as the same is not acceptable.
They have demanded that the automatic renewal every three years should be maintained.
The merchants have also objected to the provision wherein automatic termination of leases due to non-payment of rent or failure to renew has been proposed, stating that there could be various bona fide reasons for non-payment of rents.
They have also objected to the move to allow municipal bodies to hand over their premises to private developers for redevelopment purpose. The association said that redevelopment should be under self finance scheme involving current lessees and with proper involvement of stakeholders.
The merchants also said that increase in rent by 10 per cent annually is exorbitant and hence an outer limit ought to be fixed.