Goemkarponn desk
BENAULIM: Alleging the officials of Goa state Pollution control Board Member for faling to curb the excessive discharge of raw sewage into the river Sal, Benaulim AAP MLA Venzy Viegas warned the officials for such wrong doing.
Warning the official Venzy said, “Despite of multiple complaints, the untreated sewage is still being directly discharged into the nullah. This is happening because Member Secretary of GSPCB is failing to take firm action against the offense. Citizens of Salcette warn you not to play with the sentiments of people. Sal river is our lifeline. We will ensure that you are sent behind the bar if such things are continued in near future”.
Pointing towards the raw sewage being discharged in the nullah connecting the river Sal, Viegas said that when the question about discharging of untreated sewage was raised in the Goa Assembly Session, the Environment/ PWD Minister Nilesh Cabral has confidently stated that the all the discharge valves are shut and there is neither the sewage is being overflowed nor it is discharged through a pipeline.
Adding Viegas said that besides the six spots, the Sewage treatment plant at Navelim is directly discharging the raw sewage into river Sal. Viegas said he happened to visit the location upon complaint call of the wrong doing recieved from the vigilant local of Navelim. Viegas also charged the authorities for setting a new hidden discharge pipeline within the bushes surrounding the STP compound wall.
“The new pipeline has been identified which is located within the bushes. The pipeline though is not visible, the sound of water makes it evidental that the sewage is being discharged into the nullah”.
Viegas further alleged that the ruling goverment is fully involved in destroying the environment. “I am putting records after records and facts after facts. We will drag environmental minister to court if he still fails to ensure that the act of discharging the raw sewage into nullah is stopped”.