Board Inspection report…
* Dust had accumulated on the road from gate no. 9 to IOCL circle, also dust was seen accumulated on the Vasco city roads.
* MPT official informed that they are carrying out water sprinkling gate no.9 to IOCL circle. However it was noted that the same is not effective and additional measures needed to taken.
* It was informed that automatic dust sweeping machine is operated only internally within MPT and not operated outside. Bauxite handling is carried out at Berth No.10/11. The bauxite cargo is unloaded using the grab crane on the berth no.10 and shifted using truck and wheel loaded at the plot in berth no.10/11.
Water sprinkling is carried out using water tanker, mist cannon and truck mounted mist cannon. Also additional one water tanker is deployed. Approx 120KLD water is used for dust sprinkling. However the same is not sufficient and additional water sprinkling has to be carried out.
* The wheel wash system installation is not yet completed. MPT official were instructed to expedite the operation of wheel wash system.
* To carry out washing of road from gate 9 to Indian Oil Circle and carryout regular sweeping of road with manual or with automatic dust sweeping machine to collect the dust.
* To carry out sweeping of road in Vasco city during the night time at a scheduled frequency.
* Wheel washing system has to be made operations on priority.
* To follow up with the National Highway Authority with respect to construction of ongoing highway project as the same will reduce the road transport from city road.
* The applicant shall maintain wind breaking walls/barriers,
* The applicant shall maintain dust containment cum suppression system.
* The applicant shall ensure regular sweeping of internal and main road and also ensure that there is space for free movement of vehicles at the surrounded area
* Fixed pipeline should be installed for sprinkling of water to ensure that total plot area is covered with water sprinkling.
* The unit shall restrict the height of cargo stacks to a maximum of 6.5mtrs from the ground, and the same shall be covered at all times with Tarpaulin during the storage. 10) * The vehicle fog system shall be effectively utilized during unloading/loading of the cargo material to avoid dust escaping from the premise.
CONDITION for Cargo-related….
a. Normal operations permitted upto a wind-speed of 28 km./hr. (Le. Beaufort scale -04).
b. Precautionary measures should be in place with proportionate scaling-down Operations when the wind speed exceeds 28 km/hr. (i.e. Beaufort scale-05)
c. All operations should stop at a wind-speed of 30 km./hr. except for break bulk cargo and liquid cargo.
d. Unit should intensify Water sprinkling at 25 Km/h wind speed
Goemkarponn desk
VASCO: The Goa State Pollution Control Board has taken a strong note of teh complaints fled by the citizens of Vasco, Parshuam Sonurlekar, President of Goa First and Damodar Diukar against Mormugo Port Trust for causing dust pollution during Bauxite ore transportation and threatened to take strict action with the port authorities fail to take any concrete steps.
In the directions issued o MPT on 21/05/2021, the GCZMA said that “Board”was in receipt of letter dt. 16/02/2021 from Department of Environment enclosing therein complaint received from Shri. Parshuam Sonurlekar, President of Goa First, resident of Mormugao against Mormugo Port Trust for causing dust pollution during Bauxite ore transportation and complaint of Shri Damodar Diukar forwarded by Central pollution Control Board vide email dated 11/05/2021.
The board said that during the site inspection conducted by the Board officials on 25/02/2021 the several observations were made
“Dust had accumulated on the road from gate no. 9 to IOCL circle, also dust was seen accumulated on the Vasco city roads. MPT official informed that they are carrying out water sprinkling gate no.9 to IOCL circle. However, it was noted that the same is not effective and additional measures needed to taken,” the GSPCB found.
The GSPCB said that It was informed that automatic dust sweeping machine is operated only internally within MPT and not operated outside. Bauxite handling is carried out at Berth No.10/11. The bauxite cargo is unloaded using the grab crane on the berth no.10 and shifted using truck and wheel loaded at the plot in berth no.10/11.
“Water sprinkling is carried out using water tanker, mist cannon and truck mounted mist cannon. Also additional one water tanker is deployed. Approx 120KLD water is used for dust sprinkling. However the same is not sufficient and additional water sprinkling has to be carried out,” the GSPCB observed.
GSPCB said it found that the wheel wash system installation is not yet completed and the MPT official were instructed to expedite the operation of wheel wash system.
The Board said the observations as above indicates that you are operating the unit in violation of the provision of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, and Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and causing environmental pollution in the vicinity.
“In view of the above and in exercise of the powers delegated to the undersigned under section 33(A) read with section 25/26 of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, and under section 31(A) read with section 21 of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, the owner of the port, M/s. Mormugao Port Trust, located at Mormugao Goa, is hereby directed as follows and submit a compliance report to this office within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of this directions,” it said.
The GSPCB asked MPT to carry out washing of road from gate 9 to Indian Oil Circle and carryout regular sweeping of road with manual or with automatic dust sweeping machine to collect the dust and to carry out sweeping of road in Vasco city during the night time at a scheduled frequency.
“Wheel washing system has to be made operations on priority. To follow up with the National Highway Authority with respect to construction of ongoing highway project as the same will reduce the road transport from city road. The applicant shall maintain wind breaking walls/barriers, The applicant shall maintain dust containment cum suppression system. The applicant shall ensure regular sweeping of internal and main road and also ensure that there is space for free movement of vehicles at the surrounded area,” teh Board said.
Besides, the board also said that a fixed pipeline should be installed for sprinkling of water to ensure that total plot area is covered with water sprinkling.
“The unit shall restrict the height of cargo stacks to a maximum of 6.5mtrs from the ground, and the same shall be covered at all times with Tarpaulin during the storage. The vehicle fog system shall be effectively utilized during unloading/loading of the cargo material to avoid dust escaping from the premise,” it said.
On Cargo-related operations at the MPT berths is permitted upto a wind-speed of 30 kms. /hr. with the strict-adherence to the following conditions:
a. Normal operations permitted upto a wind-speed of 28 km./hr. (Le. Beaufort scale -04).
b. Precautionary measures should be in place with proportionate scaling-down Operations when the wind speed exceeds 28 km/hr. (i.e. Beaufort scale-05)
c. All operations should stop at a wind-speed of 30 km./hr. except for break bulk cargo and liquid cargo.
d. Unit should intensify Water sprinkling at 25 Km/h wind speed
GSPCB said that the failure to comply with the aforesaid notice will compel the Board to initiate stringent legal action against you under the provisions of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, and Air(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, without further notice.