In the midst of the Lok Sabha election, a lot of mud-slinging began with Congress and BJP both fighting tooth and nail to gain supremacy in the March 7 polls, in Goa.
Amidst the charges and counter-charges, a video of Congress’ South Goa candidate Capt Viriato Fernandes on the local channel has gone viral on social media where he is heard talking about the dual citizenship issue”. This had drawn sharp reactions from the Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant, teh BJP and the Revolutionary Goans Party.
What Viriato said…
Viriato said in 2019, when he was with Goencho Ekvott he was invited by then-GPCC president Girish Chodankar to meet Rahul Gandhi in Cidade de Goa.
“We placed 12 questions before Rahul Gandhi and one of them was we demanded dual citizenship for the citizens of Goa. Rahul asked us “Is it constitutional? I said no.” Then he said no discussion,” Capt Viriato explained the discussion.
I said, he continued, sir please listen “The Constitution was implemented on 26th January 1950. We were not part of India then. We were liberated in 1961. So the Constitution which was passed and implemented, Goa was not included in it but in 1961 it was FORCED ON OUR HEADS and now you are telling us it is unconstitutional”.
Against the Spirit of INDIA…
While allegations and counter-allegations are common in elections, the statement by Capt Viriato (if true as Goemakrponn is not independently verifying the video clip) is against the spirit of INDIA.
What the video shows is Capt Viriato saying the Constitution, in which Goa was not included, was hit on our heads” (Constitution aamchya tokler malle).
Now this statement is not acceptable by any means. Maybe he wanted to please the voters by saying he was, is and will fight for the dual citizenship issue. But in the spur of the moment, he seems to have made such a statement which will definitely hurt many sentiments.
Is Captain blaming his own party?
Secondly, by saying this statement it seems like the Captain is blaming his own party.
In 1961 it was Congress which was ruling India and Jawaharlal Nehru made a statement to Azad Maidan that “Goans will decide their own destiny”.
So who is he trying to blame now? BJP… Definitely not Captain.
It is Congress which has to be blamed and you took up the wrong issue at the wrong time. Your focus should have been only on dual citizenship and not on the Constitution.
The statement seems like Goa does not accept the Indian Constitution as you feel it was forced on us.
The comments are uncalled for, especially from a highly qualified former defence personnel, who swears by the constitution.
The Oath…
Being a defence personnel every officer and every (sailor) shall, as soon as may be, after appointment or enrolment make and subscribe before the commanding officer of the ship to which he belongs, or the prescribed officer an oath or affirmation in the following form, that is to say:–
“I…………………….do swear in the name of God Solemnly affirm that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established and that I will, as in duty bound, honestly and faithfully serve in the naval service and go wherever ordered by sea, land or air, and that I will observe and obey all commands of the President and the commands of any superior officer set over me, even to the peril of my life.”.
If the Indian Constitution was not acceptable to him, why did he take this oath?
Freedom of speech Article 19 (1) (a)…
Capt Viriato must remember that he could express his views and opinions only because of the Constitution of India which gives freedom of speech under Article 19 (1) (a).
But he must also understand that there are Restriction on Freedom of Speech
Freedom of speech is not absolute. Article 19(2) imposes restrictions on the right to freedom of speech and expression. The reasons for such restrictions are in the interests of:
Sovereignty and integrity of the country
Friendly relations with foreign countries
Public order
Decency or morality
Hate speech
Contempt of court
The Constitution provides people with the freedom of expression without fear of reprisal, but it must be used with caution, and responsibly.