Goemkarponn desk
VASCO: The Velsao Gramsabha on Sunday resolved to fight against the diversion of Mhadei, coal spillage, coal Transportation, and even going to court over a piece of land claimed by the Railways as theirs.
Velsao Sarpanch Diana Gouveia said that the Gram sabha was peaceful, and resolutions were accepted on coal transportation and the Mhadei issue.
“We have resolved to stop coal transportation and even go to the court for the 10-meter land claimed by the Railways as their property. Our people from Velsao are suffering, and we have taken a resolution to stop the spillage of coal cargo during transportation, and we hope the Government takes the necessary action.
Goencho Ekvott founder member Orville Dourado said that five resolutions were unanimously accepted in the Gram sabha meetings.
“The first resolution was to stop the transportation of coal from Upasnagar Junction through Pale and Velsao. We also have trains passing through all night with blaring horns, and we have demanded that there should be no train horns from 8pm to 7 am,” he said.
He added that the third proposal was to reduce train speed to 40 km per hour because many feel the vibration, and houses, especially old houses, can have cracks with trains moving at around 100 km/hr presently. We have also noticed the overloading of the train, which leads to spillage and coal dust, causing pollution in the air and well water. The gram sabha also expressed support against the diversion of Mhadei because this water will be supplied to steel mills and sugar cane plantations in Karnataka,” said Dourado.
Former Panch Roquezinho D’Souza said that he had placed the proposal of standing in support of the fight to prevent Mhadei Diversion.
“We need to understand the details of the Mhadei Issue, and sloganeering or asking CM to step down will not change the situation. We have seen how an advocate has explained the issues we face and how the CM, Dr Pramod Sawant, can present our case in court. I have informed the Panchayat that I can call a top-level advocate and get them for awareness of all details on the Mhadei Issue. Fights between the ruling and opposition will not help, but it is time that we unitedly find a solution to this issue, and even the Panchayat Minster Mauvin Godinho has asked the panchayats to take a resolution to oppose Mhadei Diversion and send it to the Government which we have done today, ” said D’Souza.
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