Goemkapronn desk
CANACONA: While voting commenced at a snail’s pace, a VVPAT machine malfunctioned stopping the voting process for over half an hour at one of the 3-Model Booths of the 59 polling stations in Canacona.
However, a record voting of 74% is recorded at Avali(Khotigao) booth no.50, till noon, with as many as 298 voters exercising their voting franchisee out of the eligible 398 electors, the highest so far at any of the booths, as the percentages were just below 15%, even as overall Canacona percentage of just about 33%.
Interestingly, Both no.59 at Satorlim one of the two Green booths in Gaondongrim village, brisk voting was recorded and the polling station was virtually deserted at lunchtime.
At Chaudi (booth no.7) of Canacona Municipality, the VVPAT broke down and it has virtually stopped displaying the vote cast by the voter. A voter who voted heard the beep sound, but the VVPAT machine after slightly lighting up, went black, and couldn’t see the picture of the vote cast by him, nor heard the sound of the slip falling down. The Voter immediately objected and brought the incident to the notice of the Presiding officer.
The officer immediately stopped the issuing voter slips and carried out dummy voting to verify the malfunction and finding the truth, informed the sector officer, including the AERO/Canacona Mamlatdar Jeetendra Bugde the officers rushed and verified the malfunction of the machine. Technical experts were requisitioned who after clearing the technical glitch, resumed the voting process after a halt of about 35 minutes.
Incidentally, out of the 59 Polling Stations in Canacona, there are two polling stations and both these polling stations are situated in Gaondogrim village for the Lok Sabha General Elections on Tuesday.
The Polling Stations at Kodewada and Satorli in the Gaondongrim village panchayat area are decorated with natural resources of Greenery all over.
Booth no.20 of Delem Polling Station is a PWD booth, and booth numbers, 7, 13, and 35 which have all the facilities and amenities such as parking, proper electricity supply, water supply, and Toilets facilities are set up as Model Booths in Canacona, while Polling station of Booth No.33 at Sadolxem is a Pink booth (Women), according to Canacona Mamlatdar and Assistant Election Returning Officer Jeetendra Bugde.
Interestingly, there are 34195 eligible voters in the 59 booths of the Canacona constituency going for polls on Tuesday. 17536 are Female and 16658 are Male voters.
Agonda Panchayat area has 3355 voters, Canacona Municipal voters are 10311, VP Shristhal 3867, Painguinim 5842, Loliem-Polem has 4270, Khotigao – 2146 and Gaondongrim panchayat area has 4159 voters.
Agonda has 6 polling booths, there are 16 polling booths in the Municipal area, 6 in Shristhal, 10 in Painguinim, 8 in the Loliem-Polem area, 6 in Khotigao and 7 in Gaondongrim.
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