Goemkarponn desk
FATORDA: The Fatorda police have started looking into the incident that occurred in the Lok Sabha polls, where a woman was observed by an election official taking a picture with her vote.
In accordance with Sections 188 IPC and 128, 132 of the Representation of Peoples, Act 1951, the Fatorda Police Department has filed a formal complaint at the Fatorda Police Station.
A person was called for an investigation by Fatorda Lady Police Sub-inspector Riyanka Naik in order to gather information about the facts and circumstances while the person was working at the disputed polling place.
On election day, tension permeated the Fatorda polling booth as Goa Forward Chief Vijai Sardesai demanded action against the voter, a woman, for taking a picture while exercising her right to vote.
Sardesai claimed that the woman had been forced to take a picture of herself voting as proof that she desired to move from Panaji to Margao by the ruling politicians. The police are looking into it.
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