Goemkarponn Desk
MAPUSA: During a raid on a bus at the new Mapusa bus terminal, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) discovered roughly 200 kg of contaminated fennel seeds, also known as badishep.
Suspected to be of low quality and contaminated, the bus that had brought several food items, including the fennel seeds, had arrived in Goa from Pune. The seized products are believed to be worth a total of Rs 70,000.
FDA representatives expressed concern about the subpar quality and safety requirements of the seized goods, which could seriously endanger consumers’ health.
Two significant issues with food safety are the lack of manufacture dates and the possible adulteration of popular ingredients like fennel seeds.
In order to safeguard customers from contaminated and subpar food products, the FDA has reiterated its commitment to making sure that every food sold in Goa complies with safety and licensing requirements. Inspections are still being conducted.