Goemkarponn desk
The Aam Aadmi Party has expanded its Oxygen Concentrator Bank & augmented it with 100 more Oxygen Concentrators to aid Goans recovering from Corona at home.As the second wave slows down, more and more patients are being discharged and returned to the care of their home. However many patients need Oxygen support as well.Patients only have to connect with the party on 7504750475 and share a doctors prescription to receive one for free.
Once again Aam Aadmi Party Goa rushes to fill in the gap left by the Sawant Sarkar & to prevent needless hassle to recovering Corona Patients. As the second wave stabilizes many recovering patients still need Oxygen support and many would not be able to afford purchasing Oxygen Concentrators for the same. It is with the average Goenkars in mind that Aam Aadmi Party Goa has set up the Oxygen Concentrator Bank. Now anyone in Goa can just call in and we will be able to help them.
It is important to note that Aam Aadmi Party had been providing oximeter and running a doctor helpline for home isolated covid patients in Goa.
“The fact is that the BJP govt and Dr Sawant has always left Goans in a lurch to fend for themselves, but as AAP we can’t see our fellow Goans suffer.” Said Rahul Mhambre AAP Goa Convenor. “Our Oxygen Concentrators are available free to everyone with a prescription” added Mhambre