Goemkarponn Desk
PONDA: Some five years back the walking treck was constructed by government along the roadside from KTC Bandora Junction to Bandora underpass near Kashimutt football ground which has now remained in neglected state.
The railings of walking treck also damaged at some place. The one km walking treck on roadside was meant for locals but now is used by some people for parking of Car and bikes causing inconvenience to people going for evening or morning walk.
Beside this bushes are grownup on walking treck and tree branches are also leaned on it due to which locals are inconvenienced and stopped using it for morning or evening walk instead walks on main road.
According to Vinod Tilve since lakhs of rupees are spent on treck the locals should get opportunity to use the treck.
He demanded with local Bandora Panchayat for maintenance of walking treck by cutting grow up bushes and tre branches leaned on treck.