PANAJI: Goa is passing through an unprecedented crisis, and instead of finding a solution to shortage of oxygen, beds, medicines and manpower, two of the top State government ministers are fighting amongst themselves to pass on the buck.
There are several issues which need to be fixed and one such issue is that during such time of crises, the premier hospital of Goa Medical College does not have a full time Dean.
Yes, sounds strange but true. The current Dean Dr Shivanand Bandekar is just holding the officiating charge as the actual Dean Dr Pradeep Naik has been transferred to Secretariat pending inquiry.
Dr Bandekar seems to have become whole and sole of Goa Health sector as he is the Officiating Dean, he is also the Medical Superintendent of GMC, he is also the head of department in Orthopaedic section and besides all this all the COVID hospitals have been brought under GMC, which means he is incharge of all the COVID hospitals also.
In the end, when one looks at the number of deaths and rising cases, just one man has to be held responsible – Dr Bandekar as he has failed to do justice to his posts.
Interestingly, it has been two and half years that the inquiry initiated by Health Minister Vishwajit Rane is underway and yet there has been no report.
During such crisis, a doctor of the calibre of Dr Pradeep Naik, who has served GMC for almost 40-odd years is doing nothing. The main reason again is he does not gel well with the Health Minister Vishwajit Rane.
It is unfortunate that rather than number death coming down, it is still increasing. Our Health Minister has no clue as to what is happening and what he is required to do in present situation.
“When Parrikar was CM same person made unthoughtful statement on issue of formalin in fish which led to total panics in the mind of public. After formalin in fish now he has done one more research that patients die more in time between 2 am to 6 am,” said a doctor, who did not want to be named.
Does the Health Minister mean to suggest as that doctor and nurses go to sleep during this period.
“This is not expected from any health minister,” the doctor said.
“Health Minister has been humiliating by making him to sit secretariat Porvorim without any work, for last two and half years. The reason being told since then that there is a pending inquiry of regarding some permission to increase Post graduate seats, that too, two years back,” the expert says.
It is strange that one side the government is employing just passed MBBS doctors or students to treat the patients whereas most experience person is kept aside.
Not just the post of Dean, Dr Bandekar has failed to do justification for the post of even Medical Superintendent.
After retirement of Dr. Rajan kunkaliekar, from the post of Medical Superintend of GMC, that post is also vacant
Again here too Dr. Bandekar officiates as Medical Superintendent, who is also hold third post of professor and head of orthopaedic department.
Goemkarponn wishes to ask the Health minister what does he want to say, that there is only one efficient doctors all post and that is Dr. Bandekar.
The fact is that different post are created in government system to maintains checks and balances.
Health minister has indirectly finished this system to have his say.
Now, Dr Bandekar proposes certain financial things as Medical Superintended, he himself agrees them as the Dean, GMC.
So, there is no third person comes to know regarding fixing between Dean and Health Minister.
That is how this Wellness Forever pharmacy, Sodexo etc came only after shunting out regular Dean.
The real reason for shunting out of Dr. Pradip Naik was he not signing any illegal things.