Goemkarponn Desk
PANAJI: Minister for Environment &Climate Change Aleixo Sequeira said that no city from State of Goa have been identified as non-attainment cities based on air quality survey by Central Pollution Control Board.
“No cities from State of Goa havebeenidentified as non-attainment citiesbasedon air quality survey by Central PollutionControl Board. Continuous efforts have beentakentoreduce carbon footprint ” said Sequeira
He further said that the Goa State Pollution Control Board monitors the air and water quality under t he Central Pollution Control Board sponsored projects National Air Monitoring Programme (NAMP) at 17 locations are covered throughout Goa.
Plantation drives throughGoaState Pollution Control Board (GSPCB)have been organized which will improvethe quality of air and subsidies have been provided to the general publicthrough Goa Energy Development Agency (GEDA) to purchase ElectricVehicles which will reduce the carbon footprints.
Minister said that his Department conducts regular patrolling to keep a check on violation of Goa Marine Fishing Regulation Act and Rules there under.
Department conducts cleanliness drives at all major jetties and beaches to collect waste material along with discarded fisheries accessories and the same are handed over to Panchayat or Municipality for disposal