Goemkarponn Desk
PONDA: After PMC Election there is hot debate on who would be next Chairperson . Though many names are news the incumbent Chairperson Ritesh Naik will be first priority said the people. Ritesh has proved his efficiency through his development work,however being Son of Minister Ravi Naik is advantage for him.
The BJP backed panel had 10 seats out of 15, while 4 by MGP backed rising panel and 1 Elected Indpendent
PMC tenures comes to end on 20 May. BJP sources said Chairperson would be decided consulting party leaders ,Minister and Councilors.
However beside Ritesh Ravi Naik, Roy Ravi Naik, Vishwanath Dalvi, Shantaram Colvekar Beside other councilors names are also taken for the post.
The people express possibility that incumbent Chairperson Ritesh Naik son of Minister Ravi Naik May be first choice of councilors. Further the name of Vishwanath Davli is also in news who is elected unopposed and also a former Chairperson.
Recent Records shows No body enjoys Chaiperson for a period of five years but record shows six months , eight months to one year the post enjoyed on rotation basis. Last time on rotation basis at least five Councilors enjoyed the Chairperson post. Some Chaiperson were elected unopposed too