Goemkarponn desk
VASCO: The teaching and non-teaching staff of St. Joseph Vaz College, Cortalim, undertook a pre-monsoon garbage clean-up drive from Sancoale Health centre to Sancoale lake as a part of community service.
In a press note issued by Fr. Bolmax Pereira, parish priest of Chicalim, ” It is ridiculous that the roadside area just opposite the health centre has been turned into a garbage dumping site by irresponsible and insensitive citizens, and the panchayat body is turning a blind eye to the health hazards of it” said Fr. Bolmax Pereira, dept. of Botany.
“If the dumped garbage is left unattended, then it will clog the drains as well as the water body, thus creating more mess and affecting our health badly”, added another teacher Dr Elroy Pinto, Sports director.
The teachers were joined by the ward member, VP Sancoale, Tushidas Naik in this noble initiative and assured to dispose of the garbage collected by College staff through the panchayat.
“The panchayat used to take this clean-up drive, but recently the work is hampered due to an administrative mess in the panchayat,” said the panch member.
The panch member also engaged a JCB to help clean up the difficult patch opposite the Primary Health centre, which was converting to a hazardous garbage dump.
A 3-hour drive concluded with teachers appealing to the general public to behave responsibly and sensitively while disposing of their garbage.