Goemkarponn desk
PONDA: Expressing displeasure over Goa Dairy’s performance and not considering their suggestion for improving Goa Dairy’ Administration, two Directors, namely Madhav Sahakari and Anup Desai, tendered their resignations from their posts.
Anup Desai said that six months after the Board election, he had suggested several measures to improve the weak condition of Goa Dairy’s financial condition, but it fell on deaf ears.
During the last six months, there was no opposition, and he cooperated with Goa Dairy Board. However, despite this, there has been no improvement. The financial situation is scary, and a lot of debt amounting to the tune of nine crores still needs to be cleared, and steps taken by Board are not satisfactory.
Citing reasons for resignation Anup Desai said he had given his proposal that the Cattle feed project, which was the main reason for moving the Dairy to losses, should be closed for some time and should be handed over to a private establishment on a contract basis for a fixed period.
Similarly, he had suggested improvements in the marketing department and some other measures presented in the Board of directors meeting, but no decision was taken regarding them.
Anup Desai said that if there is no improvement in the Dairy, there is no point in being a director just for the namesake.
He said the Board of directors did not show seriousness in taking decisions based on his suggestions.
It may be recalled that Madhav Sahakari and Anup Desai Dairy were elected to the 12-member Board of directors in the election held last June.
Goa Dairy Chairman rejects allegations
Goa Dairy Chairman Rajesh Phaldessai, however, rejected the allegations made by Desai.
He said that both the directors who had submitted their resignation had fully cooperated and advised Goa Dairy Board.
He said their resignation has yet to be accepted.
“Only Goa Dairy Board meeting will decide to accept or reject their resignation. He said he still wanted their cooperation,” he said.
He countered their allegations one by one.
He said after taking charge six months ago, Goa Dairy Board improved Goa Dairy Management in the past six months of taking charge from Administration with Milk sales now reached to 57000 litres per day which were 40,000 litres per day at the time of Administrator.
“Even though milk sale is reduced by 2000 litre per day, after the milk price hike, the sale will gradually increase,” he said.
Secondly, he said it is impossible to hand over the Cattle feed plant of Goa Dairy to a Private firm for its operation as suggested by directors because Dairy signed with government lease agreement of 99 years for the cattle feed plant operation.
He said after the milk rate hike would also benefit the Cattle feed plant.
“We are trying to operate it on no profit and no loss basis,” he said.
The chairman said the ice cream plant was closed once upon a time, but now it has become challenging to restart as it would cost huge.
Similarly, an excess of ten staff recruited at the time of the Administrator is removed, and decisions regarding 31 daily wage staff confirmed by Administrator are sent for a legal opinion.
“We need legal advice to directly take action,” he said. He said Goa Dairy is trying to clear the pending debt amount step by step.
He said Goa Dairy needs some more time, six months to one year, to bring Goa Dairy in the right direction.