Team Goemkarponn
BICHOLIM: Mohammad Shabbir Ballari filed a complaint with Bicholim police this morning alleging that her 17-year-old daughter was abducted from her legal guardianship by an unidentified.
As soon as possible, Bicholim police filed a formal complaint under sections 137(2) of the BNS and 8 of the Goa Children Act, and an inquiry was launched.
Various teams were immediately assembled to look for the young child at train terminals and bus stops.
According to SDPO Jivba Dalvi, the kidnapped girl’s presence in Hubli was verified by sophisticated surveillance.
In response, a team led by PSI Amarnath Palni, PSI Vikesh Hadfadkar, PC Vishal, and LPC Vijaya was established under Pi Dinesh Gadekar’s direction.
This team was able to locate a little girl from the Hubli, Karnataka, bus stop in less than six hours. Investigations are conducted after the girl is returned to Goa.
Under the general supervision of Shri. Akshat Khaushal IPS, SP North, PI Bicholim Shri Dinesh Gadekar and SDPO Bicholim Shri Jivba Dalvi are being investigated further.