Goemkarponn desk
PANJIM: Even as the matter with regards to the 2019 disqualification petition filed by Girish Chodankar is yet to reach its logical conclusion, Congress is bracing for another long court battle against the defectors.
Rattled with defection of eight MLAs, the Congress party is exploring all possibilities of questioning and challenging the alleged merger in the Court.
This comes at a time when the party has already filed a disqualification petition against Digambar Kamat and Michael Lobo, before the Legislative Assembly Speaker, in July.
Also, a disqualification plea filed by then-party president Girish Chodankar against the 10 rebel MLAs who defected from Congress and joined BJP in July 2019 is pending before the Supreme Court. The matter will come up for hearing before the Court in November.
Aldona MLA Carlos Alvares Ferreira said that the party was shocked by the decision of eight MLAs because all had taken the pledge together.
He said that a disqualification matter is currently pending before the Supreme court, whose ruling will have national ramifications.
Ferreira said that the further course of action will be decided after studying the documents submitted by the eight MLAs to the Speaker on the merger.
“We are waiting to study the documents and to see what claim they have made and whether it fits in the Tenth Schedule,” he said.
In a shocking submission, Ferreira also said that affidavits signed by all its candidates before the Assembly election have no legal standing and were taken only as assurance.
Cuncolim MLA Yuri Alemao said that eight party MLAs’ defect was unfortunate because they were elected on Congress symbol for five years.
“I fail to understand how they can defy their Gods. BJP are masters in defections. Congress party is not dependent on MLAs, and the party values remain intact,” he said.
The third MLA to stay put at Congress Altone D’Souza said, “God is Great. I believe in destiny which takes us to the destination where we are destined to go. For me blessings of God, Saints,Elders, Family & People of Goa is paramount. My prayers are for well being of all. May God protect Goa.