Team Goemkarponn
PANAJI: Department of Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs has inform that the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Department of Food & Public Distribution, New Delhi has extended the date for Aadhar Enrollment/ application for Aadhar Enrollment of the non-seeded Aadhaar Ration Card beneficiaries up to March 31, 2025.
Therefore, all the non-seeded Aadhar Ration Card beneficiaries are requested to submit their Aadhaar Card to respective Taluka Civil Supplies Office on or before March 31, 2025, as Aadhar card is compulsory document for ration card and same is notified by this Department vide Official Gazette, Government of Goa, Series I, No. 51, dated March19, 2020.
Further, all the non-seeded Aadhar Ration Card beneficiaries are notified that upon failure to get their Aadhar seeding done by visiting Taluka Civil Supplies Office by March 31, 2025 then their names will be temporarily deleted from the ration card database.
The deleted names would not be allowed to be retrieved to the database unless application specifying reasons for non-seeding along with Aadhar Card is submitted to respective Taluka Civil Supplies Office. This issues with the approval of the Government.