Team Goemkarponn
ANJUNA: Three traffic police officers have been suspended for allegedly collecting cash and acting inappropriately against visitors.
Sources claim that ASI Mohan Chopdekar, Head Constable Govind Mandrekar, and Police Constable Prashant Shetye are the three police officers who have been suspended.
According to sources, the three were in the headlines after the superior in Pananji received a video showing one of the officers reportedly extorting money from a tourist and giving it to his senior.
After investigation, it was determined that the incident, which occurred on October 22 of this year, required action against the three. They were transported to the Panjim Traffic Education Cell after the incident.
According to the sources, the three are being considered for disciplinary action.
Four more police officers, an ASI, and three hawaldars from the traffic cell were sent to GRP earlier last week after they allegedly demanded Rs 30,000 from tourists—all of whom were women—for riding a bike with three seats.
It has been reported that when the traffic police stopped the two visitors, one of them was hurt and they were en route to the hospital. According to sources, the police stopped them on the side of the road for an hour before seizing the bike and settling for Rs 3,000.
The upper brass was then informed of the occurrence, and they promptly sent the three to the GRP. According to police sources who spoke on condition of anonymity, the Anjuna traffic cell is frequently involved in disputes during the busiest travel season since they are said to receive plum posting points for supposedly maintaining excellent relations with the duty masters.
“Further the I/Cs of Police station or units should also check the Duty Roster regularly so that the undue favour is not shown to any staff or no injustice is caused to anyone by continuously giving strainous and fatigue duties like night duties, guard duties etc,” the circular stated.
“Services of the duty master must to rotated every six months and this was not being done in Anjuna traffic cell even there are directions from SP Headquarters ,” according to a source.