Goemkarponn desk
CANACONA -A Kadamba Bus rams into two parked private buses after the driver lost control of the bus, as uprooted Grating Covers (gutter railings) pierced its wheels inside the KTC Bus stand Chaudi.
No injuries were reported; however, besides denting and other damages to the three vehicles, the Fuel and Oil began to leak out from the KTC bus.
The poor maintenance of the prestigious KTC Bus Terminus got its second victim in a week, as the broken gutter railings struck the second time in its fleet.
A KTC Bus bearing registration no. GA-03 X-0287 coming from Kumta and heading to Margao had arrived at the Bus-Stand rammed into two private buses (GA-08 T-4485 and GA-08 T- 4040), which were stationed at the bus terminus awaiting their scheduled departurpting to park the bus inside the terminus, he suddenly lost control of the steering after the bus got a violent jerk while proceeding over the Steel Grate
Covering the gutter, and the bus went on hit two stationed private buses. The driver blamed the Steel grating Cover, which broke and pierced underneath the bus.
Incidentally, in both incidents the broken Steel Grating Cover over the gutter pierced the Buses beneath, causing the mishaps.
The poor maintenance of the often tagged as Ste.
According to KTC Driver, while he was attemate of the Art KTC Bus-stand, Chaudi Inaugurated in 2014 is always the reason but Kadamba Corporation hardly pays any attention to do justice, complains residents.
Incidentally, the Steel Grating Covers the Gutter, which(Gutter trench/drainage) itself is filled with mud and dirt, while rainwaters gush often flooding the Bus Terminus.
Private bus owners, stating they are already under strain for no businesses since the Covid lockdown, demanded immediate maintenance of the Bus-stand and also sought financial Relief to private operators to tide over the slack in operations.