Goemkarponn desk
CANACONA – It’s nothing unusual, at least in Agonda, for leopards to attack and take away pets and other domestic animals. Still, these two leopards found themselves so unsuccessful inspite of their prey being in front of their eyes.
In the first few hours of May Day, two Leopards were seen valiantly trying to catch and take away a dog (Pet) outside a residential house at Agonda.
The dog tied in front of the house but secured inside a Caged dog house proved an unlucky prey to ferociously charging two Leopards.
In fact, the entire sequence where the two adult Leopards walking menacingly on the Road (public Street) in front of residential houses is caught on different CCTV cameras. One after the other, the two Adult Leopards walks-down on the street, while the first-one proceeds towards the house entrance where (just outside the house-verandah-courtyard ) it attempts to pounce on a dog sleeping peacefully inside a Dog house. The dog, however, as always alert it sleeps, wakes up suddenly and starts to bark violently even as the Leopard puts its claws through the Iron Cage to catch hold of the dog. As the dog continued to bark violently, after frequent failed attempts, the leopard gave up and is seen slowly retrieving, joins back the other one(leopard), who was waiting back on the street, and both were seen together walking back.
The wild cats were, however seen sitting on the street, sitting a walked back to Catch hold
This incident was caught in the different CCTV Cameras from 02.15 hrs onwards, were however noticed still sitting on the road, as if expecting their next prey anytime.
Off-late, many of the resident complained of their missing pets, besides livestock of pigs and fowls, to the attacks of Leopards.
During night time also people noticed Leopards resting in house verandahs and leaving just before day breaks out, besides attacking and taking away their pets
Incidentally, fearing attacks on humans, some residents have requested the Forest department to rescue the leopards roaming in residential localities.