Team Goemkarponn
CANACONA: Poet painter Gaurish Vernekar was re-elected as the president of the Konkani Writers’ Association.
Konkani Writers Sangha’s General body has been elected its Executive Committee for a term of three years 2025-28.
President Gaurish Vernekar, Vice-President Vijaya Sheldekar, Secretary Prasad Pagi, Joint Secretary Aparna Garudi, Treasurer Milind Bharne, Members on Executive Committee Rupesh Desai, Prakash D. Nayak, Dr. Ulhas Nasnodkar, Krishna Shinganapurkar, Urjita Bhobe, Ana Pereira.
As Advisers N Shivdas, Usha Rane were selected. Karnataka Representative Raymond D’Cunha was elected. Sufala Gaitonde was unanimously elected as permanent advisor.
General body meeting was held on 12th January 2025 at 4.30 pm at Panaji Fomento Hall of Saraswati Temple.
Secretary Anagha Kamat read the minutes of the last meeting. Treasurer Milind Bharne has read and shown the accounts and expenses of the last years. President Gaurish Vernekar gave Vote of thanks.