Goemkarponn Desk
CANACONA:Shristhal BMC celebrate Vanamahotsav in Govt. High School Shristhal, in association with the Forest Department and Deputy Collector Canacona by planting saplings near the school premises and distributed plants to all students on Friday.
The function began with the inauguration of Wall Paper prepared by school students.
Deputy Collector Ramesh Gaonkar was the Chief Guest for function while Mamlatdar Manoj Korgaonkar, area Panch Dashrath Gaonkar, R.F.O. Anand Metri, P T A Chairman Sampada Velip, BMC Chairman Vinay Tubki, Member Damodar Chari, Shirish Pai, Tejas Naik Gaonkar, Headmaster Sudesh Naik and Teacher incharge Tukaram Salgaokar were present on stage.
While speaking on the occasion, Dy. Collector Ramesh Gaonkar urged the students to take proper care of the plants planted and also appreciated the work of Forest Department as well as Shristhal BMC for the awareness they are creating amongst the local populace.
Area Panch Dashrath Gaonkar and RFO Anand Mestri also spoke on this occasion.
Earlier Headmaster Sudesh Naik welcomed the guests and Damodar Chari presented the flowers. BMC Chairman Vinay Tubki briefed about the work of BMC.
Student Riya Velip presented a speech on environment while students also performed a song with a message to save the environment. Teacher Vinanti Velip proposed Vote of Thanks while Shirish Pai compared the program.