Goemkaponn Desk
PANAJI: Health Minister Vishwajit Rane today said Goa Government has decided to adopt Karnataka’s COVID treatment protocol wherein Baricitinib will be given to the symptomatic patients along with Remdesvir, thus preventing a cytokinn storm.
“Subsequent to our meeting held yesterday with the expert team of doctors, the Health Department is working on additional treatment protocols recently adopted by the Karnataka Government,” said Rane
He further said that Dr. Anoop Amarnath, Head, Scientific Board and Chairman-Geriatric Medicine, Manipal Hospital & member of state’s Critical Care Support Team, has supported and approved the usage of Baricitinib.
” It is to be administered orally from the 5th day of the symptom along with Remdesivir. It has prevented patients from reaching the oxygen stage/breathlessness and also proven to be effective in preventing a Cytokine storm,” he added
He further said that state will further modify treatment protocol with the advice of expert doctors under the guidance of CM Dr. Pramod Sawant.
“The use of Baricitinib has been approved by DRDO and ICMR for emergency use,’ he added