Goemkarponn Desk
ANJUNA: Anjuna Police have arrested an absconding accused from Mumbai.
As per SDPO Mapusa Jivba Dalvi on 08.03.2021 upon the complaint of one lady R/o, Thane Maharashtra an offence vide U/sec 448, 323, 354 IPC was registered to against One foreigner accused Mr. Victor Van Niekerk, South African National Presently R/o Green Space Hostel, Vagator, Bardez Goa for criminally trespass and outraging the modesty of the complainant.
All out efforts were made to trace the accused person however he remained absconding to evade his arrest.
Since the accused person was not traced the said case was temporary closed.
Further through reliable sources it was revealed that the accused person namley Victor Van Niekerk, South African National is seen moving at Colaba Mumbai, Maharashtra.
Accordiny a Police team of Anjuna Police consisting of PSI Tukaram Pednekar, PC- Deepesh Chodankar, Aniket Pednekar were immediately sent at Colaba, Mumbai Maharashtra to trace the above accused person.
After hectic efforts he was traced and apprehended at, Mumbai, Maharashtra and taken into the custody and brought at Anjuna Police Station and after confirming his involvement in the above crime he was placed under arrest.
The entire good work was carried under the guidance of SDPO Mapusa Jivba Dalvi Shri. Prashal Dessai, Police Inspector Anjuna Police Station and under the supervision of SP north Nidhin Valsan IPS.