Goemkarponn desk
PANAJI: In a recent effort to ensure that Canacona’s prestigious Ravindra Bhavan project meets its inauguration deadline, the Arts & Culture Director and GSIDC Managing Director conducted a joint inspection of the ongoing finishing works at Canacona. This visit, held on Tuesday, aimed to review the progress and status of the project.
The inspection was prompted by Canacona MLA and Speaker Ramesh Tawadkar’s announcement that the Ravindra Bhavan of Canacona would be inaugurated on 27th July 2024, either on its completion or with pending works to be undertaken after the inauguration.
During the visit, the Director of Arts & Culture Sagun Velip expressed a keen interest in dedicating the long-awaited Ravindra Bhavan to the people of Canacona. He emphasized the importance of ensuring the timely completion of the final works and acknowledged the challenges that had delayed the project. GSIDC MD Harish Hadgonkar also confirmed the commitment to expedite the completion of pending works while maintaining the project’s quality.
It was highlighted that 90% of the works are already completed, with the final finishing touches remaining in the complex, particularly in the main auditorium. Efforts are underway to engage with vendors to expedite their tasks within the specified timeframe.
Regarding the specific date mentioned by Canacona MLA and Speaker Ramesh Tawadkar, the officials emphasized the intention to complete the project as fast as possible without compromising on quality. While there was no definitive commitment to the specified date, the team expressed the aspiration to complete the project at the earliest possible time.
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